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- Transmutate apophysia
- Venom apophysia
- Look Away apophysia
- The Queen of Wands apophysia
- Eye of the Owl apophysia
- Closer Now apophysia
- Temple of fallen angels apophysia
- The White Cube (Kyrie Eleison) apophysia
- Black to the Night apophysia
- Oh Come Thee Down apophysia
- Breathe the Sun apophysia
- Good Enough apophysia
- Path of Glass apophysia
- Identity Pie apophysia
- The Little Things apophysia
- Overboard apophysia
- Unsaid (No Forever) apophysia
- When I Close My Eyes apophysia
- After the War V02 apophysia
- Terra Incognita apophysia
- The Fish In The Deep Sea Water apophysia